Commissioners invite community for Night Out

Community members and City Commissioners gather at a "Night Out" in 2023. Photo courtesy of City of Grand Rapids.

The Grand Rapids City Commission is inviting community members to its first City Commission Night Out meeting of 2024. The Tuesday, March 19 event takes place at Harrison Park Academy, 1440 Davis Ave NW, Grand Rapids. This is the first of three CNO meetings this year and includes an engagement session and a business meeting with public hearings.

Doors open at 5 p.m. with dinner provided by El Granjero catering. An engagement period follows at 5:30 p.m. City departments will host information tables and offer giveaways beginning at 5:30 p.m. The evening’s City Commission meeting begins at 7 p.m.

Recommended parking is located near Muskegon Avenue NW. Additional parking is located off Davis Avenue NW and Myrtle Street NW.

During the 5:30 p.m. engagement session, community members will learn more about the proposed Zoning Ordinance housing policy text amendments that will be considered by the City Commission on April 23. Grand Rapids Planning Department staff will be available for table conversations with those in attendance. They will also provide specifics about the zoning proposals and how they will impact Grand Rapids. The package under consideration is expected to increase housing supply, diversify housing types and increase housing affordability. Major changes generally fall within five categories: Accessory Dwelling Units, Unrelated Occupants, Group Living Uses (SROs and Transitional Shelters), Small Scale Residential Infill, and Parking Requirements. Other amendments clarify and correct previously adopted language.

Those interested in providing City Commission with feedback about the proposed zoning ordinance text amendments can do so during the public hearing scheduled during the
7 p.m. City Commission meeting. For those interested in interacting with additional departments, resource tables will be set up at the Commission Night Out event. Staff from 25 City offices and departments will offer resources and swag, engage and provide updates related to relevant First Ward efforts. Grand Rapids Public Library staff will be present with age-friendly activities and in-person library card sign ups.

The 7 p.m. City Commission meeting will air on Comcast Channel 26 and be live streamed on the City of Grand Rapids Facebook page and YouTube channel.

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