Honk if you like gose

Big Lake Brewing’s Zachary Dreyer and Lauren Roach collaborate on Silly Gose. Courtesy Big Lake Brewing

Silly Gose, a new beer conceived by one of the serving staff members at Big Lake Brewing makes its debut Thursday.

The beer will be on tap Thursday, July 28, at Big Lake Brewing’s Holland taproom, 13 W. 7th St.

A play on the words, a gose (pronounced: GO-zuh) is beer that is lemony or sour in flavor and made with at least 50% of the grain bill being malted wheat. It’s also known to be a bit heavy on the salt.

Big Lake Brewing’s Silly Gose is a sweeter, more fruity beer in comparison to a typical gose, according to the brewery. What makes it “silly” is the blending of three berries that are native to the region, rather than the typical ingredient, citrus fruit, for its fruit side of the ingredient list.

“Big Lake has beers with blueberry, blackberry and raspberry in them, but we don’t currently have anything with all three. It’s unlike any beer we’ve ever done,” said Lauren Roach, the server who created Silly Gose.

Roach has been working at Big Lake Brewing the past three summers.

Big Lake Head Brewer Zachary Dreyer said he was happy for Roach’s input.

“I know what I know, and I also know that I don’t know everything, which means inspiration can come from anywhere,” he said. “Employee involvement is important to us as a brewery, especially from those who are consistently working with our products. Silly Gose highlights one of the best parts of this business, which is our ability to have fun and experiment with styles and flavors of beer.”

“Goses are notorious for having punny titles,” said Kiley Giangiobbe, a copywriter involved in marketing for the brewery.

Giangiobbe said Roach took it upon herself to create the beer, made a slideshow presentation — complete with mock artwork — and pitched it to the brew pub brass.

“Since she did so much work, they decided to go with it,” Giangiobbe said, adding Roach worked with Dreyer throughout the entire process of brewing it.

But will the new gose lay the proverbial golden egg for the brewery?

“We will do a small batch available only at the pub to start,” Giangiobbe said.

If the gose takes off, it could become a permanent member of the Big Lake Brewery flock. Roach said she is hopeful it does.

“Depending on how many people want to try it and get refills, we’re going to can it and distribute it,” she said. “My biggest regret is that I told them I don’t want any royalties. I don’t get a percentage, but hopefully I get some free beer out of it.”

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