Seasonal parking rules to take effect


    Seasonal parking rules begin on many neighborhood streets Tuesday, Nov. 1. Odd-even and same-side parking restrictions start on this date to allow the city’s street sweepers and snow plows easier access to neighborhood streets while clearing roads of leaves, tree debris and snow throughout the fall and winter. These parking restrictions also help to keep one lane of traffic open and available for residents as well as emergency and public service vehicles. 

    Odd-even and same-side parking restrictions take effect at 12:01 a.m. on Nov. 1 of each year and remain in effect until 11:59 p.m. on April 1. 

    Streets with restrictions have odd-even or same-side parking signs posted. 

    Odd-even parking restrictions mean that on each even numbered day starting at 1 a.m. and until 6 p.m., parking is prohibited on the odd numbered side of the street. On each odd numbered day starting at 1 a.m. and until 6 p.m., parking is prohibited on the even numbered side of the street. 

    From 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. each day, parking is permitted on both sides of the street unless signs indicate otherwise. 

    For more information and a map of streets with odd-even and one-side parking restrictions, CLIK HERE.


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