Tulip Time Festival to host artwork competition

Courtesy Tulip Time

The Tulip Time Festival will be hosting the 2022 First Bloem Festival Artwork Competition, the winner of which will be used for the official 2022 Tulip Time poster.

Artists in Ottawa, Allegan, Kent, Muskegon and Kalamazoo counties can submit their artwork, which should surround the theme of Holland’s tulips, Dutch heritage and community, between Sept. 27-30 at the Tulip Time office at 42 W. Eighth St. in Holland during business hours.

Mary Sundstrom, visual artist and exhibitions director of the Holland Area Arts Council, will serve as the 2022 juror, and she will select the top 20 pieces for the competition.

On Oct. 15, the top 20 artists will be notified, and on Feb. 24, the poster winner will be announced. There also will be Viewers’ Choice Award voting, and the winner will be announced at 10 a.m. May 13 at Warehouse 6, 136 E. Sixth St. in Holland.

Tulip Time 2022 runs from May 7-12.

For more information, including submission forms, visit the Tulip Time website.

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