Goat farmer develops plans for mobile milking parlor

Owners can service herds in various locations, offer milking demonstrations, graze disparate parcels, create an efficient milking system on leased land, milk a land-clearing herd and explore new opportunities. Courtesy Dreamgoats

Local farmers can now milk goats anywhere courtesy of a mobile milking parlor.

Leah Sienkowski, educator and owner of the Dreamgoats herd of Nubians, worked with engineering and dairy specialists — with the help of a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant in 2019 — to design a Grade A raw dairy certifiable mobile milking parlor.

With the new milking parlor, small goat farmers can earn income in a variety of places in a flexible way. Owners can service herds in various locations, offer milking demonstrations, graze disparate parcels, create an efficient milking system on leased land, milk a land-clearing herd and explore new opportunities.

Farmers can attend workshops and webinars Jan. 30 and listen to recordings at mobilegoatmilk.com organized by Sienkowski. During the workshops, farmers will receive the floor plan, bill of materials and the final report of findings.

Signups for the event and the project mailing list are available on the website.

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