Mix it up

Kitchen essentials to help you through winter.
Clockwise from top left: Edibles Cookbook, $19.95, Rebel, rebelgr.com; Zingerman’s Bakehouse Cookbook, $29.95, Mason Jones, masonjonesshops.com; Mud Pie Cookie Jar, $58, Kennedy’s Flowers & Gifts, kennedyfloral.com; Hayden Flour Mills Flour, $10.90, Art of the Table, artofthetable.com; Berry & Thread Whitewash Square Baker, $68, Mason Jones; Kitchen Aid Mixer, $499, Target, www.target.com; Sister Pie Cookbook, $25, Rebel; Assorted Gold Cookie Cutters, Set of 12, $10, and Onyx & Wood Measuring Cups, $42, The Counting House, thecountinghouse.com; Cinnamon Roll, $1.50, Nantucket Baking Company, nantucketbaking.com; Oven Mitt, $8.95, Rebel; Teak Spatula Natural Handle and Wooden Spoon, $14 each, The Counting House; Beanilla Madagascar Vanilla Extract, $20, Art of the Table; Peach Lemon Verbena Syrup, $14.95, Rebel. Photo by Angela Ciccu

Styled by Jennifer Pickering

Winter is the perfect season to bake. Whether you are mixing up a batch of waffles for breakfast before a day of snowman building or baking cookies to go with hot cocoa after a day spent sledding, these items are the perfect complements to your kitchen.

This story can be found in the January 2021 issue of Grand Rapids Magazine. To get more stories like this delivered to your mailbox each month, subscribe here

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