The Bramble– a modern classic


If you’re as much of a fan of Chambord as I am, and you’re not in love with gin straight up, but like it with the right mixer, then this drink may be for you.

A little backstory first: While listening to Led Zeppelin’s “Ramble On” over the weekend, my memory was jogged, reminding me of a drink called “The Bramble” that I’d tasted in Soho (the trendy media district of London, England, not to be confused with New York’s SoHo, which is short for South of Houston Street) many years ago. Then, yesterday, coincidentally, a friend posted his own variation of the drink. Sorry to ramble on (pun intended). Without further ado, I give you The Bramble:  

The Bramble. Photo by Michael Jaeger.

2 ounces of gin

2 teaspoons simple syrup.  

1 ounce lemon juice

1/2 ounce of Cassis black currant liqueur 

1/2 an ounce of Chambord

Garnish with organic blackberries 

Crushed ice only

Stir, pour and enjoy!

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