Sietsema Orchards Announces Closure

Sietsema Orchards
Sietsema Orchards

Over the weekend, Sietsema Orchards announced it will not reopen for the fall season.

In a Facebook post, owners Skip & Diane Sietsema said “After many years in business Sietsema Orchards & Cider Mill has decided to close its doors immediately and will not be open for business in 2018. We can’t fully express are deep gratitude for your business, friendships, and support.”

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The couple did not provide any additional information regarding the reason for the abrupt closure or if there is a chance the orchard will reopen in the future.

Sietsema Orchards, 8540 2 Mile Rd NE, was founded in 1954.

*Story Update: In response to GR|MAG’s article, Sietsema Orchard clarified in a Tweet that while the orchard is closing its hard cider production will continue.


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