Despite the pandemic, Ken Sung and Clark Frain, the owner and executive chef of Terra, followed through with plans to open Terra Bagels. The eatery opened in September at 1413 Lake Drive SE.
The bagel shop is located a few doors down from Terra and offers an array of bagels and schmears as well as half a dozen kinds of bagel sandwiches.
The space is filled with natural light thanks to large windows that overlook the busy Eastown community. White walls along with wood and metal accents give this place a clean, crisp feel.
While the restaurant has a smattering of tables throughout, it is primarily a place to order and go.
The new bagel shop fills a much-needed hole left by GR Bagel, which shut its doors in the neighborhood over the summer due to the pandemic.
This story can be found in the April 2021 issue of Grand Rapids Magazine. To get more stories like this delivered to your mailbox each month, subscribe here.
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