Walking on Sunshine

July/August 2023 Letter from the Editor
The Scottville Clown Band performs at the Fourth of July parade in Ludington, July 4, 2023. Photo by Lisa Enos.

I don’t know about you but in the summertime I come alive. Like a bear exiting her winter den, I’m ready for an adventure! Whether it’s kayaking one of our mighty rivers, or body surfing along the shore of the Big Lake, this is my time to go out and explore God’s country. I don’t hesitate to jump in the car on a Saturday morning and drive 100 miles for some lakeside seclusion or some off-the-beaten-path fun.

I grew up on the shore and am eager to share some tips on a few dreamy day-trips you may not know about. The only problem with heading out of town is figuring out which amazing event the city of Grand Rapids has planned that I’ll be missing: A dragon boat race? A Taco and Tequila Festival?

We talk at length with City of Grand Rapids Office of Special Events Manager Evette Pittman about what goes into planning the summer’s big events and how she keeps them all running smoothly. We talk with Creston neighborhood ambassador Tommy Allen, who created the hashtag art project, #KeepCrestonFunky some years ago to help folks understand what living in the vast and diverse neighborhood is like.

Pat Evans fills us in on what it’s like to dine at the glorious MDRD on the 27th floor of the Amway Grand Plaza, and we examine a few of the lesser-known eateries to provide inspiration the next time you’re in the mood for something different.

Lisa Enos is the editor of Grand Rapids Magazine. Photo by M. Buck Studio.

I’ll keep it brief, because we only have so much time before the leaves begin to change. As always, feel free to reach out at lenos@hour-media.com. I’m really loving all the new people I’ve connected with over the past six months. Keep the love coming!

(Pictured in the photo above is the Scottville Clown Band. Check out this Instagram video at this link.)

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