Twitter data: Michigan has the most negative view of social media

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According to geotagged Twitter data in the last month, Michiganders hold the most negative sentiments about social media.

Think Big Analytics, a data analytics and visualization site, created a map using trends software with direct access to geotagged Twitter data.

Sentiments about social media were tracked, including includes phrases such as “I hate social media,” “I hate facebook,” “I hate instagram,” “I hate twitter,” “I hate snapchat,” “I hate tiktok,” etc. More 350,000 tweets were tracked.

Courtesy Think Big Analytics

According to the map, the Midwest has the most negative view of social media with Michigan rating No. 1.

The top 10 states that dislike social media the most are as follows:

1. Michigan
2. West Virginia
3. Texas
4. Indiana
5. Ohio
6. Illinois
7. New Jersey
8. Georgia
9. Nebraska
10. Alabama

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