Kent County Community Action to hold food distribution event

Photo by iStock

Kent County Community Action will conduct a food distribution event Thursday in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and households experiencing food insecurity.

Distribution will be held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at 121 Franklin St. SE for the general population with low income or households at or below 160% area median income. No documentation is required, but recipients must be Kent County residents.

Customers who are driving must enter on Jefferson Street with their trunks ready to accept more than 50 pounds of food and to remain in their vehicles. This will help distribution go smoothly and ensure the safety of staff and customers by practicing social distancing.

There will not be walk-up service due to social distance requirements. Persons without transportation can be assisted by calling (616) 632-7950.

“This distribution is our way to respond to this crisis as it is our mission to alleviate the causes of poverty,” said Susan Cervantes, Kent County Community Action director. “This distribution is one of our scheduled quarterly distributions, and we are pleased we can provide relief to families who are in need during this difficult time.”

The distribution will assist more than 900 households that are struggling to meet their food needs. There will be 20 food items in the packet, including but not limited to, canned vegetables, soups, pasta, juice, vegetable oil, tortillas, cheese, butter and pork.

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