Community invited to help build bridge to our future

downtown Grand Rapids skyline

After more than a year of research and gathering community input, the City of Grand Rapids will unveil its “Bridge to Our Future” Community Master Plan recommendations. The public is invited to participate in the upcoming workshops that will take place on May 7, 8 and 9.

The aim of this final round of Community Master Plan engagement is to share content from the draft plan, and to solicit feedback from the community. The ongoing initiative will map out the vision for the city’s growth and development over the next 20 years.

“This plan belongs to the community and the residents who voiced their opinions about what this city should look like as it grows and develops for future generations,” said Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss. “I am eager to hear feedback from community members, stakeholders, and ultimately, the Planning Commission,” she said.

The workshops will allow participants to review the draft recommendations at their own pace followed by small group conversations centered on the chapter areas. The draft recommendations were generated using public input gathered earlier in the process at workshops and through other public outreach efforts.

“These recommendations came from a broad and diverse spectrum of community members and will serve as the foundation for which additional engagement and iterations will occur,” said Grand Rapids City Manager Mark Washington. “By encouraging public input and new ideas, we now have a draft plan that represents multiple perspectives and will allow bold, inclusive visioning of the future of our city.”

The workshops will include a self-paced review of the draft recommendations that takes place from 5 to 6 p.m., followed by small group discussions from 6 to 7 p.m. Each meeting will provide an opportunity to give feedback in an interactive setting, and the public may attend any of the events. The city encourages people from all backgrounds and viewpoints to attend the workshops, which will take place at GRPS University, 1400 Fuller Ave. NE. on Tuesday, May 7, from 5 to 7 p.m. On May 8, Ottawa Hills High School will hold the event at 2055 Rosewood Ave. SE. Entrance is through Door A, with parking available at the corner of Sylvan and Burton. Take the stairs to the second floor to reach the cafeteria.

Lastly, people may attend on Thursday, May 9 at Sibley Elementary School located at 943 Sibley St. NW. Enter through Door A from the parking lot off Sibley Street NW. The gymnasium is located through the cafeteria to the right.

These are family-friendly events and dinner will be provided. Attendees are welcome without registering, but completing the RSVP will help ensure there is enough food and materials. Attendees can RSVP at

Spanish-language interpretation services will be available at all meetings. Use the RSVP form to request other interpretation services.










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