“You want to be careful about having that last beer,” Dave Petroelje, owner and chief beer officer at City Built Brewing (CBB) said with a laugh, when asked for tips for those biking the upcoming Built So Fly event.
On Sunday, June 10, CBB will partner with Rockford Brewing Company (RBC) to host a group bike ride along the White Pine Trail, with craft beer, food and live music before and after the trek.
Petroelje said he’s enjoyed past events like this personally, when RBC previously partnered with Brewery Vivant for a 13-mile ride. He recalls the huge crowds that turned out for the event, with two city blocks filled with swaths of riders.
RBC has been hosting community cycling events for six years and was looking for someone to partner with for its annual Start of Summer celebration, said Chris Holt, general manager at RBC.
“Our staff has been big fans of City Built and I knew City Built was a big supporter of cycling, so with both breweries having close proximity to the White Pine Trail, it seemed like a great fit,” he said.
“We love the idea of promoting these events as free and open to all ages and skill levels,” Holt said. “It’s been a great opportunity for anyone to come out and enjoy the outdoors as a community event. We’re letting people know there is improving cycling infrastructure, via great trails and cycling lanes throughout Kent County, and it’s growing every day.”
Why are these events gaining in popularity? Holt believes it is due to shifting culture in Grand Rapids. “In the past, I think there was a bad stigma about bicycling in the city but that’s changing now and people are showing up for events like these, as a way to support the lifestyle,” he said.
“The Grand Rapids area is fortunate to have such a vibrant cycling community with so many different cycling clubs and riders, and it’s definitely been facilitated through the support of places like the Greater Grand Rapids Bicycling Coalition.”
He added, “It’s pretty exciting to see what these events have evolved into and they’re continuing to grow.”
Visit Built So Fly for more information.
*Photos courtesy of Rockford Brewing Company
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