Native American artists to discuss artworks in virtual series


The Muskegon Museum of Art and Grand Valley State University Art Gallery are partnering to host a virtual series of artist talks and exhibition tours by Native American artists on Thursdays from Feb. 11-25.

The series features artists whose works are on display this month at both the Muskegon Museum of Art (MMA) and GVSU Art Gallery in The Art of the People: Contemporary Anishinaabe Artists.

Sculptor Jason Quigno will be answering questions and giving a virtual tour of his exhibition, The Art of the People: Contemporary Anishinaabe Artists on Feb. 11. The exhibition was created with the GVSU Art Gallery.

Quigno is a member of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe. He works in a variety of stone — granite, basalt, marble, limestone and alabaster — transforming raw blocks into flowing forms. Quigno has received numerous recognitions and awards, and he has completed numerous public commissions for communities, including Muskegon, and institutions around Michigan.

On Feb. 18, photographer Levi Ricket will be answering questions and giving tours of his exhibition, Levi Rickert: Standing Rock, Photographs of an Indigenous Movement, which will be on display at MMA throughout the month.

A native of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, he also is the founder, publisher and editor of Native News Online. The exhibit features a collection of photographs that documents Rickert’s journey to Standing Rock in 2016 as part of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests.

On Feb. 25, artist Jim Denomie will be answering questions and giving tours of its exhibition, Jim Denomie: Challenging the Narrative, which is on display at the MMA. Denomie’s paintings address historical, political and cultural issues facing Native Americans in the U.S. using traditional imagery, stereotypes, comic symbols and pop culture imagery.

The videos in the series will premiere at Muskegon Museum of Art event pages on the specific dates at 4 p.m. but will continue to be available on the Muskegon Museum of Art YouTube channel afterward. Registration is not required.

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