Eggo giving away waffles to stressed parents

Andrew East and Shawn Johnson East are part of a "hype squad" of celebrities who will surprise a few lucky parents with personalized social media videos that show solidarity and encourage them to L’Eggo with Eggo. Courtesy Kellogg Company

Kellogg Company’s Eggo brand is giving away 100,000 waffles to parents for the hardest morning of the year.

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, and the waffle brand of Battle Creek-based Kellogg said it analyzed Twitter conversations and Google activity using a data-driven tool it dubbed the L’Eggometer and found the next morning after DST begins is rated as one of the highest-pressure mornings for parents, who are dealing with cranky, sleep-deprived kids who are completely off their sleep schedules.

In a quest to help parents “L’Eggo” of their tension, Eggo is giving away 100,000 free waffles in the U.S. as part of the brand’s plan to give away 1 million waffles in 2021 and also is offering tips and tricks for dealing with stressful mornings.

People can follow along on Eggo’s social media channels for details on how to claim a free box of Eggo Waffles on a first-come, first-serve basis. The giveaway terms and conditions are posted here.

“We know mornings are hard for families,” said Laura Newman, marketing director for Eggo. “But we can help parents L’Eggo of that stress and embrace the small wins by serving Eggo for breakfast. Eggo’s superpower is that it’s a win-win for kids and parents in the morning — kids love to eat Eggo waffles, and parents feel good about serving their family a nice, warm breakfast. Ultimately, our goal is to give parents a moment of levity amidst the chaos, and for the first time ever, we’re able to better understand their pressure points with the L’Eggometer. With the data uncovered from the L’Eggometer, we can help parents L’Eggo and find solutions in real time.”

Eggo also partnered with a “hype squad” of celebrities to surprise a few lucky parents with personalized social media videos that show solidarity and encourage them to L’Eggo with Eggo. Parents can join the fun by using #HelpMeLEggo and sharing their own stories of messy mornings.

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