West Michigan Tourist Association launches new travel resource

Each broadcast display will provide information on local weather, traffic and travel destinations. Courtesy West Michigan Tourist Association

The West Michigan Tourist Association partnered with Weather Metrics to create a digital travel resource for those stopping at Michigan’s Welcome Centers.

Michigan Travel TV launches this month and will be featured 24/7 in high-traffic lobby areas of Welcome Centers throughout the state. Each broadcast display will provide information on local weather, traffic and travel destinations. The resource also will be available on mobile devices in a streaming format at travelmi.tv.

The service is provided to the public free of charge and at no cost to the state of Michigan. Initially, it will begin with a pilot program at welcome centers in Clare, New Buffalo and Coldwater early this month with the other 11 Welcome Centers launching their broadcasts in April 2021.

Businesses interested in being featured on Michigan Travel TV may contact Dan Sippel at the West Michigan Tourist Association at Dan@WMTA.org or (616) 245-2217, extension 102.

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