Michigan high school student nominated for Congress of Future Medical Leaders

Shelbie Schoenborn Courtesy Shelbie Schoenborn

Shelbie Schoenborn, a sophomore at Coopersville High School, is a delegate to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders.

The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is an honors-only program for high school students who hope to become physicians or go into medical research fields.

The event, taking place from March 20-21, hopes to honor and direct students who are interested in these fields. During the event, students from across the country will hear from Nobel laureates, top medical school deans and patients who have undergone miracle medical procedures.

Schoenborn’s nomination was signed by Dr. Mario Capecchi, winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine and the science director of the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists. The choice was based on her academic achievement, leadership potential and determination to serve in the field of medicine.

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