Winner Selected in City Parks Sign Design Contest


After a month of public voting, the City of Grand Rapids has unveiled the winning design for new entry signs at city-owned parks.

The winning design – created by Steve Voelker – was the top vote-getter in the community-led competition. Voelker will be awarded up to $1,000 to collaborate with a licensed design professional to produce final drawings. The new design will be used at all 75 parks throughout the city.

“The goal would be to use sustainable materials such as aluminum, stone and brick,” Voelker said in his design submission. “There are various products on the market for sustainable wood or products to look like wood that could be explored.”

The Parks and Recreation Department launched the competition earlier this fall. During the open call for entries, community members submitted more than 150 design concepts. The resident-led Parks and Recreation Advisory Board reviewed the concepts and then narrowed the field to five finalists for public vote. Voelker’s design was the most popular among nearly 5,000 voters.

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