Body Mind Being Institute hosting grand opening celebration

The Body Mind Being Institute is an organization and a community of yoga practitioners who are dedicated to providing education, research and healing through a range of therapies and services that include workshops and training certification. Courtesy Body Mind Being Institute

On Saturday, The Body Mind Being Institute will be hosting its grand opening celebration from 1-7 p.m. at 1005 Parchment Drive SE, Suite 1007 in Grand Rapids.

The Body Mind Being Institute is an organization and a community of yoga practitioners who are dedicated to providing education, research and healing through a range of therapies and services that include workshops and training certification.

The institute is connected to the Body Mind Being Project, a nonprofit project that aims to benefit local communities, especially those in the community who are without adequate access to trauma-sensitive services.

“The world is in dire need of services discerning mental and physical health well-being by aligning the body, mind and being,” instructor Kelley Rasch said, “and that’s just what we offer.”

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