A Grand Rapids-based stand-up comedy show will return with its Kingpin of Comedy competition July 11 at a new location, The Guest House at 634 Stocking Ave. NW in Grand Rapids.
Sunday Night Funnies, which was created by comedian Brian Borbot, is a free, weekly live stand-up comedy show that was previously held at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.
The Kingpin competition is a 19-week contest where the audience votes for the funniest person.
The show and competition were put on hold for 16 months because of COVID-19 restrictions.
The Guest House, which is owned by Laura Szczepanek, seats 200 people.
“As a longtime fan of the Sunday Night Funnies, many of the comics and Brian, I am beyond thrilled to open the doors and welcome the show,” she said. “It’s been a long year and a half of COVID, and it’s time we got together again and laughed in person.”
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