How to host a virtual Easter egg hunt

Photo by iStock

Social distancing regulations will prohibit kids from enjoying community Easter egg hunts this year. However, just because you’re being safe staying home doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the holiday with friends and family.

Here are some tips for hosting your own virtual Easter egg hunt.

Coordinate with friends and family

The grandchildren can’t go over to grandma and grandpa’s house this Easter, but the grandparents still can hide eggs for their loved ones to find.

Figure out how big you want your hunt to be. Do you want to include all of the grandparents and cousins or maybe do a smaller egg hunt that is more intimate?

There is no wrong answer; it just depends on what works best for your family.

Find the video chat app that works for you

Zoom, Skype, Google Duo and FaceTime are some of the more popular video chat apps, but which one should you use? Zoom and Skype are great for larger parties, and Google Duo and FaceTime are perfect if you’re only connecting with one or two additional people.

Don’t forget to test the app out before the big day Sunday to work out any kinks and make sure everyone can log on successfully.

Create clues

It’s a bit different hunting for eggs virtually, as you are at the mercy of the person holding the phone, but if you create clues for kids, they can tell you where they think each egg is hidden. It also makes it extra fun for kids when they decipher the clues.

If you were unable to get an egg coloring kit this year, you can hide everyday household items. Hide the remote, shoes or toys. Clues also can hint at the hidden object.

Have fun

The important thing is to have fun. It’s important to be safe, but with a little creativity, you can make this Easter a memorable one for years to come.

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