Divination festival to take place in Grand Rapids

Angel Burns will be among eight readers present at the divination festival. Courtesy Thomas Burns Photography

An upcoming event will feature psychic readings and healing in honor of the spring fire holiday Beltane.

Witches of West Michigan is hosting its first divination festival from 1-5 p.m. Saturday, April 30, at Communitea Wellness, at 781 College Ave. NE in Grand Rapids.

Beltane, May 1, is an ancient holiday historically observed in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man to mark the beginning of summer. The holiday has regained popularity in modern time among Celtic neopagans and Wiccans.

Eight psychic readers and a Reiki healer will be present to provide insight throughout the afternoon.

Attendees can register in advance for a session to have readings with their astrology chart, tarot cards, lenormand cards, bones and tea leaves. Crystal scrying and Isis divination also are available.

Event organizer Katrina Peshka said Witches of West Michigan is happy to provide this opportunity for the community.

“Witches of West Michigan started in 2021 as a way to find like-minded folks in the area, and when we found them we realized that we have been craving connection and celebration,” Peshka said. “We also have so many members with wonderful talents that we wanted to provide space for them to share their gifts.”

Tickets are $33 and can be purchased here. Each ticket includes the first 15-minute reading and first beverage from Lotus Brew Coffee, located inside the Communitea Wellness building.

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