An East Grand Rapids resident and startup founder will compete on the USA Network television show “America’s Big Deal” this week.
Tanya Vanden Bosch, inventor of the Bath Bean, will compete on “America’s Big Deal,” a startup pitch television series that airs live at 9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4, on the USA Network.
Created by inventor and entrepreneur Joy Mangano, “America’s Big Deal” invites entrepreneurs from across the country to sell their ready-to-ship products to home viewers in real time. Each week, entrepreneurs take the stage to make their product pitches, and the person with the highest dollar sales when the buying window closes at the end of the show wins the chance to strike a deal with one of the show’s retail giants: QVC and HSN, Lowe’s and Macy’s.
Vanden Bosch is an East Grand Rapids resident who invented the Bath Bean, a “luxury” heavy-duty accessory designed to keep bathers in their desired position without sliding around during bathing.
“In 2005, I endured a 36-hour labor and delivery that resulted in severe tailbone bruising,” Vanden Bosch said. “I drew a hot bath for relief, tried to recline, but ended up sliding around the tub, pushing my bruised tailbone onto the hard tub surface. It was an excruciatingly painful few minutes in the bath. I searched for a product that would keep me comfortably reclined in the tub, but I couldn’t find anything.
“The turning point was in 2015 when I watched the movie ‘Joy.’ Joy’s story motivated me to start the invention process and inspired me to utilize my skill sets to take my product to market. Six years later, I am proud to have built the Bath Bean brand and company single-handedly, showing my kids that with consistent hard work and determination, anything is possible.”
A video is available here to explain how the Bath Bean works.
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