City to host virtual Cure Violence meet and greet

Brandon Davis. Courtesy city of Grand Rapids

The city of Grand Rapids Office of Oversight and Public Accountability (OPA) is hosting a virtual event to introduce community members to the Cure Violence Grand Rapids team and to learn more about the new violence reduction and intervention program.

The event will take place from 4:30-6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 10, and will be livestreamed on the city’s YouTube and Facebook pages, as well as Grand Rapids Television – Comcast Channel 26.

“The virtual event will give residents a chance to learn more about the city’s new Cure Violence program and the people tasked with carrying it out,” said Brandon Davis, OPA director. “Due to COVID-19 safety protocols and space limitations, this meet and greet is a hybrid event with all Grand Rapidians encouraged to watch the introduction of the presentation virtually.”

The community-led, evidence-based violence reduction and intervention program team consists of nine people, including three violence interrupters, three outreach workers, one trauma-informed care counselor, one site supervisor and one site director.

Other attendees include Davis, city officials and Cure Violence Grand Rapids Site Director Steve Jackson.

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