Concerts Under the Stars Returns to Public Museum


Lean back, let the music wash over you and get lost in the swirling images spread out across the sky above you. There is nothing quite like the Grand Rapids Public Museum’s Concerts Under the Stars music series.

The popular series returns for its third season on Jan. 17 with a performance by Fiona Dickinson, playing dark folk music. She will be accompanied by live visuals on the planetarium dome created by Meghan Moe Beitiks.

The series is particularly unique because it not only highlights local musicians but also local audiovisual artists. “Live music in the Chaffee Planetarium is a one-of-a-kind experience for concert-goers and not something that is replicated at other venues,” said Kate Kocienski, VP of marketing and PR for the GRPM.

About the Performance

Dickinson is a British songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and music educator currently residing in Grand Rapids. Along with her work arranging strings for the ambient noise project, Saltbreaker, Dickinson has a lengthy list of collaborations on stage and in the studio. She also has a background in composition for independent film and live score for site-specific performance with dance, video and analog projection.

Visual artist Beitiks has designed lights for the California Academy of Sciences, the Asian Art Museum, SF Sketchfest and Atom-R. She is currently a visiting assistant professor at Grand Valley State University and has designed media for previous Concerts Under the Stars in 2018. She is an artist working with associations and disassociations of culture/nature/structure, analyzing perceptions of ecology through the lenses of site, history, and emotions in order to produce work that interrogates relationships with the non-human.

Concert Details

Concerts Under the Stars will run from January through March. Concerts begin at 7:30 p.m., with museum doors opening at 6:30 p.m. New this year, performers will play two sets, with a short intermission in between. Refreshments, beer and other beverages will be available for purchase.

Tickets are $12 for GRPM members and $15 for non-members if purchased in advance, and $15 for members and $18 for non-members on the day of the concert. Tickets are currently on sale at, by calling 616.929.1700 or at the museum’s front desk.

The 2019 Concerts Under the Stars series will continue on Feb. 7 with psych rock from Frankie and Myrrh, Feb. 28 with ambient R&B from Bronze Wolf, and will conclude on March 21 with the electronic sounds of Pink Sky.

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