Celebrate Valentine’s Day weekend with a luminary-lit stroll

Aman park is open throughout the winter for hiking and cross-country skiing. Courtesy Friends of Grand Rapids Parks

The Friends of Grand Rapids Parks organization is partnering with the city of Grand Rapids Parks and Recreation Department to host a luminary-lit winter stroll in three city parks this weekend.

Friends said Monday that it will host the Happy Hearts Park Stroll, an all-ages experience to celebrate Valentine’s Day weekend.

Paths at Huff Park, Garfield Park Nature Reserve and Roosevelt Park will be lit with luminaries from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The event is free for anyone to attend, and registration is not required.

The Happy Hearts Park Stroll is a self-guided experience that can be enjoyed alone, by couples or with friends and family following social distancing guidelines. The luminaries’ ambient light will mark the paths, but Friends recommends also bringing a flashlight or headlamp and wearing boots to navigate the unplowed paths.

“With social distancing in place and restaurants not running at full capacity, couples, friends and families may be looking for other options for this Valentine’s Day weekend. So, we created a fun winter experience to encourage people to get outside in our parks and do something good for their heart,” said Stephanie Adams, executive director of Friends of Grand Rapids Parks.

Friends and the city, in accordance with government guidelines for COVID-19, ask that all groups wear masks when near others and keep a distance of 6 feet between each other on the path.

More information is on the Friends website.

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