Calling All Playwrights, Script Writing Contest

Actors' Theater
Actors' Theater

Actors’ Theatre is looking for would-be playwrights for its annual 10-minute playwriting festival.

Living on the Edge is now in its 15th year and the playwriting contest is an integral component of the festival.

Anyone is welcome to submit a script for a 10-minute play which utilizes the year’s unique theme (2018 being [un]breakable). A panel of judges narrows the submitted scripts down (based on how well the script draws on the theme, if it is 10 minutes, and quality of writing) and the top 10-15 scripts receive a public read.

From there, the top five scripts are chosen and those five scripts receive a full performance in June.

Important Dates:

Scripts due: Monday, Feb. 5 by 8 a.m.
Public reading of the top 10: Saturday, April 7 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Performances of the top five and the Actors’ Theatre devised pieces: June 6-9

*Photo courtesy of Actors’ Theatre

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