Weather service issues red flag warning

Recreational use of fire prohibited
Grilla Grills
Grand Rapids Magazine file photo

A “Red Flag Warning” has been issued in West Michigan due to warm, dry air and gusty winds.

Last week there were flood warnings and today, April 12, the Grand Rapids Fire Department is asking that residents forego any use of recreational fire. As temperatures climb into the upper seventies, as tempting as it may be to get out the grill, don’t.

Dry weather and winds make for an increased risk of fire.

Recreational fire use is prohibited on high-risk days, and with respect to the weather in Grand Rapids today, there is an increased fire danger. High winds will result in a higher chance of fires quickly spreading out of control.

A bulletin issued by the National Weather Service shared by Captain W. Smith of the Grand Rapids Fire Department states:

“Critical fire weather conditions are occurring now. The combination of strong winds, low relative humidity and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior.”

At 2 p. m., the time of the warning, the humidity level was recorded at 25% and winds out of the southwest were reaching speeds of 15-30 miles per hour.








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