Flip Dog Yoga Offers New Perspective on Downward Dog

Flip Dog Yoga
Flip Dog Yoga

Have you ever felt as if you “should” be doing more yoga? Flip Dog Yoga studio owner and yoga teacher Nick Dobkowski doesn’t believe in guilt trips, especially when it comes to yoga.

“A lot of times in life, we think we should be doing certain things. But if we approach yoga in that way, we lose the essence of yoga,” he said.

Dobkowski, who taught yoga for five years before he opened the studio this spring in the Creston neighborhood, wants to offer an alternative to the expectations society places on people to look and act a certain way. And this applies to the way he and his teachers approach teaching: above all, he wants his space to be welcoming and accessible to all. 

Nick Dobkowski, Flip Dog Yoga owner.
Nick Dobkowski, Flip Dog Yoga owner.

“Sometimes, it seems as if there is one way to do poses, but we hope to help students explore what their bodies can do in that moment, on that day,” he said. “It changes every day.”

Part of what guides Dobkowski’s inclusive philosophy is his education and life experiences. While living in Philadelphia for eight years, he trained as a yoga teacher and received his master’s degree in urban studies. He has also dedicated time to serving communities in need in Philadelphia and Chicago. 

These experiences challenged him to see the world from different angles, he said, and that’s the same “flipped” point of view he hopes to offer at his studio. “We are not just for the typical yoga student … we want everyone to feel valued,” he said. “We hope to change your perspective about what your body can do and help you to live the best life possible!”

For the rest of August, Dobkowski is offering a free yoga class at Briggs Park every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. 

Head to Briggs's Park for free yoga on Saturdays throughout August.
Head to Briggs’s Park for free yoga on Saturdays throughout August.

The studio is also launching a Bingo Challenge from Aug. 13 to Sept. 7. For $49, participants receive unlimited yoga for the length of the challenge. 

If participants complete an entire class Bingo card, they receive $25 in studio credit as well as a chance to win prizes including a month of unlimited yoga or a Creston gift basket, which includes gift cards from Urban Massage, Creston Brewery and Frosty Boy.

Learn more at Flip Dog YogaFlip Dog Yoga is located at 1511 Plainfield Ave. NE Suite B. 

*Photos courtesy of Flip Dog Yoga

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