Susan G. Komen fundraising walk to be held virtually next month

The virtual event will feature a new audio experience and community scavenger hunt during the walk. Courtesy Susan G. Komen

This year’s West Michigan More Than Pink Walk benefiting Susan G. Komen will take place virtually on Sept. 18.

Susan G. Komen, the world’s leading breast cancer organization, said Tuesday that its signature fundraising event in Grand Rapids will be held virtually beginning 9:30 a.m. Sept. 18 due to ongoing health concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic.

People can visit to sign up and begin fundraising.

“We are excited to join together as one community,” said Star Reese, community relations specialist. “The health and safety of our community are, and always have been, our top priorities. After consulting with government health guidance and monitoring the evolving risk to our community, many of whom have compromised immune systems and may be unable to receive a COVID vaccine, we will unite as one community from homes and neighborhoods across the area. No matter where you are, we all (will) feel the presence of our one community every step of the way.”

The local event will feature a new audio experience and community scavenger hunt during the walk. The audio experience will share stories of those touched by breast cancer and why they walk and fundraise.

Funds raised by the community go to support Komen’s investments in research, patient care and public policy action.

“The power of our community is not about physically being together; it’s about the impact every one of us can make when we walk one more step and raise one more dollar,” Reese said. “Every one of us, no matter who we are or where we live, deserves a chance at living a long and healthy life. Together, we will make certain that no one faces breast cancer alone.”

Pending public health conditions, Komen will host all events in its Race for the Cure and More Than Pink Walk series in-person in 2022, although virtual options will remain for those who prefer it.

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