Meijer Gardens to host virtual gardening series

Courtesy Peter McDaniel

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park will host a new Virtual Secchia Garden Lecture series at 7 p.m. Tuesday and April 13.

The virtual lecture series will be presented by author and speaker Bill Cullina, F. Otto Haas executive director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Morris Arboretum.

The topic on Tuesday, What Do You Mean I’m Not a Perennial!?!, Cullina will take the familiar concept of integrating perennials, annuals, shrubs and evergreens and translate this into how anyone can accomplish this in the home garden.

On April 13 in From Emerald Carpet to Amber Wave, Cullina will showcase what he describes as the canvas on which nature paints its portraits — his favorite texturally rich and visually striking native ferns, grasses, and sedges.

Spanish interpretation will be available.

For more information, contact Eve Choi, curator of horticultural and environmental education, at

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