Kent County Road Commission reveals second fall color tour route

Photo by iStock

The Kent County Road Commission announced the second route of its annual fall color tour.

The route takes drivers through northern Kent County; it is divided into two loops and has six open county parks to visit, as well as several fruit and vegetable stands and pumpkin patches.

KCRC began its color tour last week by introducing the first route, which ran through eastern Kent County. A new route will be released every week through Oct. 12, the estimated peak date for fall colors. The routes may be driven individually or connected for longer trips.

In 2019, the tour covered over 240 miles divided into nine routes. This year, the routes have been adjusted to avoid active work zones as well as to showcase recently improved areas of the county.

“The color tour is something the road commission began producing in the 1950s. We revived it in 2016 because fall is the perfect time to travel our road network. The individual routes give residents a chance to explore areas they never may have seen before and enjoy beautiful vistas throughout Kent County,” said Steve Warren, managing director of KCRC.

More information including maps of the two announced routes is available at

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