Architecture firm offers art contest for kids

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42 North is helping struggling businesses and home-stuck parents with an art contest.

Create for Cause, led by 42 North owner and principal Ryan LaHaie, features the firm’s unique home designs as printable coloring pages. Parents can print out the coloring pages online and upload them to the company’s website.

“I just wanted to do something fun for the kids,” LaHaie said. “I hope it’s a good bonding time for kids and their parents.”

In early 2019, LaHaie’s wife, Dana, and son, Reed, were killed by a drunk driver in a car accident. LaHaie was left in critical condition and required numerous surgeries following the accident.

In the wake of LaHaie’s accident, the community came to his aid. Local individuals and businesses donated over $82,000 in a GoFundMe campaign, helping LaHaie cover significant business and medical expenses. Now, LaHaie said he wants to give back to the community that has supported him.

The Create for Cause art contest offers four age categories: 0-3, 4-7, 8-12, and 12 and older. Three winners from each age category will receive a $50 gift card to the local small Michigan business of their choice.

Additionally, the firm is offering an art piece category for all ages meant to inspire everyone’s inner child. Participants can build an art piece inspired by any of their homes. The only condition — entrants must use items they find around the house. The winner of the art piece category will win a weekend getaway up north for up to four people, as well as dinner with the 42 North team.

The Create for Cause art contest will run from April 30 to May 15.

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