A Coffee ‘Lounge’ is Brewing in Creston Heights

Cailin Kelly, left, Lindsey Ruffin Boop de Boom coffee shop coming soon sign

A new coffee shop is in the works for Grand Rapids’ Creston Heights neighborhood.

Cailin Kelly and Lindsey Ruffin have signed a lease for the space at 1511 Plainfield St. NE to be the home of their Boop de Boom Coffee Lounge, according to Facebook.

The shop will offer local coffee, tea, baked goods and cocktails, pending permit approval.

Kelly and Ruffin said they hope to start construction in February and open by July.

The new space, in the same building as Flip Dog Yoga, requires an extensive build out, and the only entrance into the space is through the back.

Their renovation plans include storefront windows, a front entrance and turning the space into a roughly 800-square-foot coffee shop with a bar, seating, bathroom and more.

While the partners have some capital raised to get the project going, they welcome investors, they said on Facebook.

Photo: Cailin Kelly, left, and Lindsey Ruffin. Via fb.com

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