Blonde Ambition: Palace Flophouse Salon Opens
We’re talking literature, music and hair with the darling of Palace Flophouse Salon, Ann Van Weaver.
Think Green: Ecofriendly Organizing
I regularly hear, “I don’t want to keep it, but I don’t know what to do with it.” Beneath this is a whole lot of guilt in letting go of unnecessary and dated items for fear of ending up in a landfill. I love that my clients care – and get excited when I can reassure them that I can find an outlet for their clutter.
Kendall College Fashion Students Showcase Latest Designs
The work of 25 up and coming local designers will be on display later this week during a special fashion show.
Barre Class Heads to the Bar
If you’ve ever wondered why it has become more popular than ever to attend fitness classes in breweries, coffee shops or even on rooftops, Cori Williams, the owner of Beer City Barre, has some answers.
Beauty Spot: Fox Naturals Skincare
With a new store in the bustling Wealthy St. area, Patrick Stoffel, owner and maker of Fox Naturals Skincare, answers our beauty questions and shares a powder room must-have.
Spring Into a New Hobby and Forage
As spring weather fills the air and flowers begin to bloom, many are once again enjoying the great outdoors. But why only admire the plants, when they could be used for something more?
Husband & Wife Team Up on Life Addicts Fitness Studio
Husband and wife fitness team and owners of Life Addicts fitness studio, Travis Washington and Whitney Lavette, are celebrating their one-year business anniversary in Alger Heights.
Take Your Workout Outdoors with Great Escape Fitness
Looking for ways to get fit and explore your local parks this spring? Kelsey Young is here to help. This April, she will lead the Great Escape Fitness Outdoor Hiking and Fitness Club in its second annual season of weekly hiking gatherings.
New Salon Focuses on Community Building
Although it still seems hard to believe, warmer weather will soon be here – meaning now is the perfect time to start thinking about a fresh new hairstyle for spring. Fuller Hair & Nail Salon, a new full-service salon in Grand Rapids’ Creston neighborhood, is now open and ready to help you look and feel great.
EmbodyGR Makes Yoga Accessible to All
Dana Christian Lee, founder and director of EmbodyGR, a non-profit organization that offers free yoga and meditation for the underserved, was awarded the "I Have Made a Difference" award in the health category from WGVU Public Media this January.
Let Your Senses Float Away at Phlot Spa
Imagine laying in a pool of water but not even being able to feel its touch against your skin. That’s what it’s like inside one of three sensory deprivation floating tanks at Phlot, a new floating spa in Eastown.
Current Mood: Spring Fashion Overkill
Winter will soon be over (no, really) but right now you hate everything in your closet. We get that. Crushing on spring style is only natural this time of year as we hope she graces us with warm breezes, green grass and open-toed shoes. Check out what a few local boutiques have to get you ready for the season.
Healing Improv Focuses on Grief Relief
“I’m the lead idiot,” Bart Sumner said matter-of-factly when asked how he helps participants to get comfortable during his Healing Improv classes.
Strike a Smile with Laughter Yoga
You don’t need a yoga mat, fancy yoga clothes or even to be physically fit. You only need to be ready to take yourself less seriously, says Angela Essick Dykes, who will be leading several free Laughter Yoga sessions at Gilda’s Club in Grand Rapids and Lowell as part of LaughFest 2018.
Aquinas College Athlete & Trainer Featured in Gatorade Video
When Aquinas College athlete Dayle Woods went into cardiac arrest on Sept. 9, 2013, athletic trainer Kevin Parker sprung into action.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the Irish Jig
With the Irish Jig only a few weeks away, Megan Snow, clinical program specialist at Spectrum Health Athletic Training Services, provided GR|MAG with several race tips.
Empowering Children Through Yoga
From test-taking to temper tantrums, being a kid can be stressful. When emotions become overwhelming at school, work or home, it is essential for both children and adults to learn how to understand their feelings and express them in a healthy and productive way.
Move Your Booty with Buti Yoga
When Megan Rader, the owner of Kula Yoga first heard of Buti Yoga from her student Brittney Nawara last year, she laughed. “Wait, is this yoga that’s all about your butt? I am not interested…”
Loving and Letting Go: Healing from a Breakup
I’m a firm believer that everything carries energy, including our stuff. The energy our possessions carry can be positive, negative, and/or stagnant. This is especially heightened if the item has sentimental value.
Anna Chapman Traded in a Corporate Gig to Open Studio Barre
After Anna Chapman took her first barre class in North Carolina, she knew she wanted to share the practice with others. While she had been active before finding barre, she saw results she had never seen before and loved the focus that the class brought to her mental state.