‘Rapunzel’ Is Taking the Stage

Rapunzel play poster partial Circle Theatre

The family-friendly story of Rapunzel is coming to Grand Rapids.

After a witch catches a man attempting to steal a delicious vegetable from her garden, they make a deal for his freedom. All he needs to give up is his first-born child.

Eighteen years later, the witch shows up to the man’s house, takes Rapunzel and locks her in a tower. That’s when a “boisterously entertaining” adventure begins for her rescue.

The show is a Magic Circle Production by Circle Theatre and can be seen at Aquinas College’s Performing Arts Center.

Opening night will feature refreshments, crafts, games, story time with the cast and VIP seating.

Tickets are $12 and can be purchased online.

Dates and times

June 26: 7 p.m.
June 27-28: 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
June 29: 1 p.m.

Photo: Courtesy Circle Theatre.

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