Watch ‘Star Trek II’ With Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk in Star Trek II

Captain Kirk is beaming down to Grand Rapids.

DeVos Performance Hall will feature William Shatner, live on stage, this Friday following a big-screen presentation of “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.”

The show begins at 7:30 p.m.

The incomparable Shatner, who portrayed James T. Kirk in the original “Star Trek,” will make an on-stage appearance for a live conversation with fans of the series.

Shatner will share humorous stories from portraying the original Captain Kirk in the “Star Trek” television series and movies — and from his career spanning over 50 years as an award-winning actor, producer, director and writer.

Attendees will also have the chance to ask Shatner questions during an audience-led Q&A.

Tickets are available online.

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