Spectrum Theater Becomes Accessible to Hard of Hearing Community

Circle Theatre presents
Circle Theatre presents "Snow White"

In celebration of its newly installed hearing loop system, Spectrum Theater at Grand Rapids Community College is offering a free performance of “Snow White, the Queen’s Fair Daughter” for deaf and hard-of-hearing children — and their parents, teachers and friends.

Circle Theatre will present “Snow White: The Queen’s Fair Daughter” by Max Bush at 7 p.m. June 30 at Spectrum Theater, 160 Fountain St. NE. Interpreters will be provided for this performance.

The play is based on the Snow White story as it was told to the Brothers Grimm in 1808. It abounds with adventures and new friends made as part of Snow White’s time in the woods.

The hearing loop systems works by sending a wireless signal that is picked up by hearing aids. Quota International of Grand Rapids funded the loop system in memory of lifelong member Eleanor Roberts.

“Eleanor was passionate about helping the deaf community, and she also loved theatre. We thought the Spectrum Theatre project would be a perfect memorial for her,” said Sue Scharf, president of Quota.

Sarah Rose, program director for GRCC’s Disability Support Services, said the hearing loop system will “greatly improve accessibility for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community when using our theater.”

To reserve tickets, call (616) 805-4381 or email kathleenslagal@att.net with your name, number of tickets requested and contact information.

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