Fifth Third River Bank Run Opens Registration

Fifth Third River Bank Run
Fifth Third River Bank Run

Want to get a jumpstart on your new year’s resolutions? Registration is now open for the Fifth Third River Bank Run.

Race day is scheduled for May 12. Runners can register online or at one of two registration parties taking place on Thursday, Jan. 11 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Craig’s Cruisers in Wyoming, 5730 Clyde Park Ave., or Friday, Jan. 12 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Craig’s Cruisers in Holland, 651 Chicago Dr.

Several monthly training opportunities are also scheduled over the coming months to help runners get in shape.

This is the 41st annual Fifth Third River Bank Run. The event features the largest 25K road race in the country. It is also the site of the USA 25 km Open Championships.

More than 16,000 people are expected to participate on event day including a 5K run, 10K run, 25K handcycle race, 25K wheelchair race, 25K race and a 5K community walk.

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